
This is a list of websites, articles, and videos I've found helpful or interesting.

Several of these resources are for Christians--both queer Christians and Christian family members of queer people--because

  1. I am a Christian and so I found them helpful, and
  2. Christians (and people of some other faiths) tend to have a harder time struggling through being queer or having queer family members than atheist/agnostic people.

Whether you are a Christian or not, these could be helpful resources to the people in your life who are, and are struggling.

Aside from grouping by audience, they are in no particular order.

For Transgender People

  • Sex Reassignment Male to Female Surgery

    A YouTube video illustrating MtF corrective surgery. It's all 3D models--no actual photos or footage--but probably still not particularly safe for work. I find it both fascinating and exciting. The creativity behind the procedure is brilliant.


  • GRS Montreal

    Content Warning: Real pics of the long recovery period of gender confirmation surgery from pre-surgery to 84 days post-op. You would not know the day 84 pic is of a trans woman. All the pics prior to that are pretty gruesome, so view at your own risk.

    Requires an imgur account (free and painless to set up) to view in order to confirm you are 18+.

  • How to Develop a Female Voice

    I found this more interesting than helpful. The steps aren't wrong, they just are easier said than done. Even still, simply pressing on my vocal cords with my fingers in order to reduce the resonance shows just how much a difference that resonance makes.

MtF Transitioning

  • How hormones (HRT) change a trans woman’s body | Riley J. Dennis

    This is a pretty informative video on the effects of hormone replacement therapy, as presented by a trans woman (with adorable glasses).


  • MtF Bottom Surgery (SRS) | Questions Answered Q/A

    Answers to some basic, common questions about the results of gender confirmation surgery (aka sex reassignment surgery). (Also, I aspire to pass as well as this woman does. She looks incredible.)

    1. How much does it cost (in Sweden)?
    2. How long does the surgery take?
    3. How does it feel to pee after surgery?
    4. Does it look like a normal cis vagina, and are you happy with the results?
    5. How deep is the vagina?
    6. Do you need to dilate?
    7. Does it work like a cis vagina?

  • Myths about MtF Bottom Surgery | SRS

    Covers a few myths about gender confirmation surgery.

    1. Myth: "It's not that deep."
    2. Myth: "After the surgery, we can't feel or orgasm."
    3. Myth: "It doesn't look real."


  • Ingersoll Gender Center

    I haven't used them yet, but they help with a variety of things, from finding healthcare access to support groups to help with legal issues and procedures (including getting your name legally changed--which is how I plan to use them, soon).

For Queer People

  • The Gay Debate: The Bible and Homosexuality

    A thoughtful and convincing sermon/lecture by Matthew Vines on what the Bible really says about homosexuality (or at least one interpretation). It was instrumental at the very start of my own journey from conservative homophobia to open-minded compassion. I wasn't immediately convinced after watching it, but it was food for thought, and it nagged at me so I watched it again, and later again. Eventually, it along with other experiences that I would not have been open to prior to that first viewing, convinced of the validity of Vine's argument.


For Family Members

... of Transgender People


    A support website for family members of trans people. Among other things, it includes a message board/forum, FAQs, and access to support groups.


    Another website that includes family support, conferences, and education and training.

... of Queer People

  • A Moment of Pride: Jen and Sydney Hatmaker on Being Gay and Loved

    This is a podcast by Jen Hatmaker, a Christian woman, who has a gay daughter, Sydney. Like many parents, especially Christian parents, it was very hard for her to accept the reality of her daughter's sexuality, but now she wishes she "could go back and shake [herself] to life sooner". Sydney is the guest speaker in this episode, and they have a conversation about what it's like to be queer in the Church, to have parents that shame them, and some constructive feedback for other struggling parents/family.


    The link has a text transcript of the audio, if that is more your jam.

  1. I haven't actually used these yet. A counselor emailed me links to them as potential resources for my family.